So. I work at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, at the Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey ride.
It's pretty cool, most of the time.
Well, recently, since I can pretty much do most of my job with my eyes closed, I've taken to people watching.
And I have noticed something.
The fatter they are, the slower they are, physically and mentally.
Now stop, before you jump down my throat please note that I, myself, am fat.
"Everyone says that."
Here we go; I'm posting my weight online so you'll believe me.
280 pounds.
Anyway. My theory, which I'm sure has been made before but I'm too lazy to go researching right now, is that high-fat diets are damaging brain cells...somehow.
Now, this isn't to say that fat people are DUMB. Just SLOW. As in, slow to react (physically and mentally).
I try and make this distinction because, given the time, said fat person will get what I'm saying as well as the next skinny person. But the skinny person can ask me a question, hear what I"m saying, and grasp the concept while walking AWAY from me. The fat person will ask me a question, start walking away, going, "Huh? Huh? Huh?" Then have to walk back and stare at me like I'm talking a foreign language.
I feel a little odd, talking smack about those who are overweight, but as a fellow fatty, it's like, "Oh, hey, ya'll, I see why being overweight is a bad thing beyond our physical health."
Also, I have gingivitis. And I need to go to the dentist, so whenever I get my loan disbursement, guess where I'm going!
I officially give up soda. Today. Forever and ever, as well as any sugary drinks (not including fresh squeezed juices that I know contain no extra sugar). I also give up prepackaged candy and baked goods. That stuff is no good for you and if I have to make it myself, I will be less likely to do it...cause it takes effort.
Mrs. H