
Wednesday, September 14, 2011


And I don't mean of the cat variety.

This is my dog, Spike.

Isn't he cute?

Today I took Spike for a 2 mile walk. It was so lovely. I had my music, I picked up his was great.

And then I saw it.

This small little Krystal's burger box.

What the hell, people? Why do you litter? Why can't you find a trash can? I found a trash can for my bag o' dog poop.

So ridiculous.

So, I've decided, once I get my loan disbursement, to spend $10-$25 buying one of those trash pickers. And whenever I walk Spike (which I'm resolving to do more often) I will pick up trash along the way.

Mrs. H

1 comment:

  1. I HATE people who litter. It pisses me off. What, you can't carry your garbage 20 more feet to a trash can? There is a ton of litter in NY, more than I ever saw in Florida. Grr.
