
Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Day for Every Pound


I want to lose 100 pounds.

Eventually. Gradually. Healthy like.


So I decided to do something that I think is interesting. I've heard that weight loss is best achieved in small measurable goals. At least for...most people?

Anyway, what I've decided to do is spend a day for every pound I want to lose NOT eating out. Just making home made meals. These meals...won't necessarily be healthy. But my thinking is that the more I cook in, the more healthy my eating habits will become.

I do not expect to lose 100 pounds in 100 days. That's just crazy talk!

Here's what will happen at the end of 100 days.

Let's pretend at the end of 100 days I've lost...15 pounds. That 5 pounds a month. Not too shabby. Anyway, that leaves 85 pounds to lose. At that time, the ticker will reset, with 85 days to go. Then I will go another 85 days without eating out, etc etc. My thinking on THIS is that if my miniature goals get EASIER (aka less time spent), I'll be more likely to keep going, thus making my ultimate goal more achievable!

I'm brilliant, I know.

We'll see what happens, eh?

Mrs. H

Look out, Martha Stewart!

Not really. I'm not really into stealing from the government...

But! I do love me some cooking and crafting and beautifying of my environment! Soooo much. I feel like a mini-Martha sometimes, and my friends call me the ultimate housewife.

Which, now that I'm married (for 5 days), I guess I can be called a housewife!

My hubby likes to call me Mrs. H, so you can call me that too!

My blog is going to be filled with my forays into cooking and crafting and designing of the stuff around me!

So basically it'll be just like every other bored housewife blog out there...but oh well! Maybe you'll learn something new here!

Be prepared for the first installment, which will most likely involve my new food processor! *squirrel fingers!!*

Mrs. H