
Friday, July 8, 2011

Closing Shifts Stink

My first day back at work was Tuesday, and I have had closing shifts ever since. Considering I don't get home till 11:30 and don't wake up till 9:30, I never have time to actually DO anything to blog about!

However, yesterday morning I started on some vegetable broth, using about-to-go-bad mushrooms, the innards of a celery bunch, a left over leek stalk, some about-to-go-bad onions, some carrots and some extra corn. I popped it all in my crock pot, filled it up to the top with water and proceeded to leech the nutrients and flavor out of the vegetables over a span of 24 hours.

The end product was a little spicy. Next time, I shant be putting in pepper with the broth.

This morning I was going to make a kale-wrapped-chicken thing that came to me in a dream, but Mr. H (God love him) pulled out an entire bag of chicken instead of just 2 breasts...


So instead, I'm making chicken stew right now (using some of my homemade vegetable broth) and tomorrow I'm going to make double of the kale-wrapped-chicken.

Instead of posting a recipe for vegetable broth, I'm just going to post the link of the website I used when trying to figure out the best way to make a vegetable broth: Vegetable Broth


Mrs. H

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