Then I made HOMEMADE DEODORANT. Which I have done before, but it's always fun! Right now, it's sitting in the fridge so it won't melt. It's made with cornstarch, baking soda (I love baking soda!), and coconut oil (coconut oil, you are making a huge break into my life!). Unfortunately, coconut oil melts REALLY easily. As in, I bought it in a solid form several months ago, and it has been sitting in my mildly warm apartment and melted. Crazyyyyyy. But since it melts so easily, I keep it in the fridge.
Short story time! The first time I made homemade deodorant, I took it with me somewhere (for some reason) and left it on the passenger seat in my car. Come back an hour later, and after it sat in my hot car in the hot Florida sun, it melted allllll over my seat.
Lesson learned.
Lastly, today I also made homemade laundry detergent! And it was so easy to make. I'm hoping that it will make Mr. H less itchy, because we are thinking he is allergic to the detergents we usually buy. We will see what happens!
Baking Soda Hair Wash
2Tbsp baking soda
1 Cup water
Put the baking soda in a squeezie bottle, trust me on the one. You don't have to, but it makes it easier. When you're in the shower and ready to wash your hair, just add about a cup of water. If it's a little more or a little less, it's not gonna hurt. You might actually want to play around with the math. I add a little extra baking soda and a little less water because my hair is so thick. The mixture is going to be VERY watery, which is why the squeezie bottle is best. If you just do it in a bowl, you basically dump the whole bowl on your head. The squeezie bottle lets you do it gradually and where you need it.
Coconut Oil Conditioner
You do this AFTER you are out of the shower. Put a VERY small amount on your finger and rub it between your hands to melt it a bit and then rub it through your head, paying special attention to your scalp. Since mine was melted already, I just dipped two fingers in and whatever came out I rubbed around on my hands and then in my hair. In either case, start off with a small amount. If you need more, you can add more.
This stuff is SO awesome. I got the recipe for it here. But if you don't want to go to a different site, it's all good! Here you go:
5-6 Tbsp Coconut oil
1/4 cup baking soda
1/4 cup arrowroot powder or cornstarch
Combine the cornstach. Start adding the coconut oil a little at a time until it's a good consistency for rubbing under your pits (teehee). I liked mine a little mushy, but the first time I made it, it was fairly firm. Pack the stuff into an empty deodorant container, and BAM! Instant deodorant. Remember to keep the stuff in the fridge...
4 cups pure soap, grated
2 cups baking soda
2 cups Borax
Mix 'em all together. Done. Now, when I grated my soap, it was very much like grated cheese. It was still a little too big for mixing in with finely grated borax and baking soda. So I tossed everything into my food processor, which finely ground up the soap. Now it's perfect!
Like I said, I haven't tried the laundry detergent yet, but when I do, I will let you know how it does. Actually, I might have Mr. H tell you how it does, since he's always the one who does the laundry...
Mrs. H
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